Personal Vision
Why do I exist? Why do people like to interact with me? What is my purpose?
Living Vision engages in coaching Entrepreneurs, Owners, Executives and Senior Managers in defining their own personal vision.
In a world of too much it is essential to follow your own plan to master the challenges that modern life brings along to enjoy it to the fullest:
1. Making a positive impact on your life and the lives of others
2. Regaining mastery of your own life
3. Creating and making necessary changes happen
4. And last but not least engage with your loved ones
Your outcome of our commitment is:
An empowering personal vision
An inspirational and engaging leadership style
A powerful set of leadership tools to master the daily challenges
A higher level self-awareness and increased serenity
A clear action plan to bring the vision alive
A guiding frame of principles how to live up to the personal vision
The following 4 core elements serve as coaching base to define your personal vision:
Vision & Claim (VC)
Mission & Objectives (MO)
Values & Principles (VP)
Responsibilities & Skills (RS)
Commercial Essentials (CE)
Sales Perception & Reality
Powerful Questions & Attentive Listening
Social Media Contact Support
From Cold Calling to Hot Calling
Key Attitudes in Sales
Commercial Challenges (CC)
First Commercial Meeting
Appreciative Communication
Dealing with Objections
Price Negotiation
ABC – Always Be Closing
Vision & Claim (VC)
Why do you exist?
Why do people like to interact with you?
What is your own claim?
Why do people engage with you?
Mission & Objectives (MO)
Where do you want to be in 3 years professionally and privately?
To be in line with your vision and mission which objectives do you still need to achieve this year?
Large Accounts (LA)
Understanding Client Business
Handling Competition
From Problem to Solution Selling
Active Networking Business Growth
Client Performance Review
Values & Principles (VP)
Which ethical framework will support your vision?
What are the core behavior principles you want to live up to, to be in line with your vision?
Responsibilities & Skills (RS)
Based on your vision what are your key responsibilities in your business and your private life?
Which competencies do you need to develop to live your vision?
Coaching Design
In the design phase of your executive coaching program we will define and elaborate together:
The concrete scope of your coaching (Objectives and number of sessions)
The e-questionnaire to prepare your coaching
The desired number of stakeholders to be interviewed prior to your coaching (e.g. clients, employees, family, friends, superiors, providers, etc.)
The integration of a 360° survey
The role of your superior before, during and after your coaching (if applicable)
The amount of in-vitro (away from work) and in-vivo (during work) coaching sessions
Coaching Methodology
In this coaching program one cannot escape: With a pro-active and positive confron-ational coaching style the coachee is led to concrete and sustainable results:
Each coaching session will last a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 hours
Each session starts with a briefing and ends with a debriefing including a concrete action plan until the next session based on the scope of the coaching
Each session is split in two main parts:
A) Strategic Part
Addressing the 4 core elements (VC, MO, VP and RS) to be built over 4 – 6 sessions
B) Operational Part
Addressing your current issues developing leadership and commercial behaviors