Engaging & Purposeful Leadership Behavior
How do your leaders in your company inspire your people to live up to your vision creating positive business impact? Why should anyone be led by your leaders?
Living Vision engages to support you in embedding the desired leadership culture in your company incorporating fully your company's vision. Employees in the 21st century do not just want to follow orders. Generation Y wants to be inspired, and expects engaging empowerment by their leaders with a clear vision to unleash their full potential for themselves and for your enterprise. They want to be part of a team that achieves great things. The WHY becomes the most important leadership questions before the HOW and the WHAT.
Your outcome of our commitment is:
On each level of your leadership hierarchy the same language is spoken based on your defined vision and the established leadership behavior principles
Your defined leadership principles are implemented successfully in your organization to create the company culture you need to realize your vision
Your leaders are empowered to inspire and engage your people with exemplary leadership behaviors across the matrix organization breaking down silos to follow your company's vision creating substantial business impact
The following 4 core leadership modules serve as best practice frame to build and deliver your specific leadership program aligned with your vision and strategy:
Leading Essentials (LE)
Leading Oneself (LO)
Leading Individuals (LI)
Leading Teams (LT)
Vision & Claim (VC)
Why does your company exist?
Why do people like to work for your company?
What is your claim on the market?
Why do people buy your product?
Leading Oneself (LO)
Setting Priorities
Daring to say ‚No‘
Dealing with Stress
Emotional Competence
Appreciative Communication
Leading Essentials (LE)
Perception & Reality
Powerful Questions
Attentive Listening
Engaging Appreciation
Inspring Target Setting
Leading Individuals (LI)
Empowering People
Engaging Decision Making
Performance & Development Dialogues
GROW Coaching Model
Handling Underperformance
Leading Teams (LT)
Feed Back & Forward Culture
Successful Meetings
Inspiring Team Work
Managing Conflict
Handling Escalation Process
Program Design
During the design phase we will decide together which leadership behavior elements are most needed to support your company’s vision and strategy:
To design your program we are experienced to working closely together with your internal line and HR experts as well as with your external business consultants
To allow you to measure the impact of your leadership program we recommend to put in place an Impact Measurement Platform I.M.P. with your leadership team, defining the desired KPIs to be positively impacted by your leadership program (e.g. Employee satisfaction index, number of employees achieving the goals, attrition rate, retention of talent, etc.)
Program Methodology
Leaders in this program cannot escape: With a pro-active and positive confrontational training style the different leadership behaviors are practiced in front of the training group:
For each topic of each module Mnemonic Aid Cards M.A.C. with a clear leadership behavior checklist are provided for future reference during the daily leadership routine
These Mnemonic Aid Cards MAC can be easily adapted to the desired company leadership language based on your company’s vision and strategy
Should you already have a learning platform on your corporate intranet we can up-load these Mnemonic Aid Cars M.A.C .(Supporting your program with blended learning elements is recommended – our experts may advise you)
After each topic each leader will define concrete actions to be implemented after the training on his/her Program Impact Contract P.I.C. Action Plan linked to the Impact Measurement Platform IMP
These P.I.C. Action Plans are followed up by the superior of the participating leaders to ensure successful implementation: Each superior of your participating leaders will receive a comprehensive Living Vision Coaching Kit (L.V.C.K.) to prepare her/him for her/his important coaching role before, during and after the program to bring your vision alive
Sequential vs. consecutive program approach: We recommend to run each module in a sequential order with a practical application period of 4 to 8 weeks between the modules to increase the transfer into the daily leadership routine of each leader – From ‘Knowing-how’ via ‘Showing-how’ to ‘Being-how’ bringing your company’s vision to life
Each module is designed for a 2 day program of behavior training with a leadership group of 8 to 12 people – the full program is recommended to be delivered in sequential mode over 4 x 2 program days in the course of 6 to 12 months to bring your vision alive