Engaging Vision
What is the raison d'être of your company? Why should people want to work for you to delight your clients?
Living Vision engages to deliver impactful executive team workshops to define, fine-tune or further develop your company's vision
Your outcome of our commitment is:
Meticulously prepared and highly structured workshops
An inspiring and people engaging definition of your company's vision based on your claim on the market
An aspirational mission statement where you want to be with your company in 3 years’ time
An engaging set of clear behavior principles how your people shall interact across silos to bring your vision to life thus creating real business impact for you and your clients
The following 4 core elements serve as best practice frame to build and deliver your specific workshop program to define your company’s vision:
Vision & Claim (VC)
Mission & Objectives (MO)
Values & Principles (VP)
Responsibilities & Skills (RS)

Vision & Claim (VC)
Why does your company exist?
Why do people like to work for your company?
What is your claim on the market?
Why do people buy your product?
Mission & Objectives (MO)
Where do you want to be with your company in 3 years’ time?
To be in line with your vision and mission which objectives do you still need to achieve this year?
Values & Principles (VP)
Which professional values will support your vision?
What are the core behavior principles needed to live up to your vision every day?
Responsibilities & Skills (RS)
Based on your vision what are your key responsibilities?
Which competencies need to be honed to bring your vision to life?
We recommend a similar frame to define the vision of departments, business units, teams and other smaller company entities.
Workshop Design
In the design phase of your workshop we will define together:
The concrete scope and length of the workshop
The e-questionnaire to prepare each participant for the workshop
The number of stakeholders to be interviewed prior the workshop (e.g. board of directors, clients, employees, executive committee, managers, providers, etc.)
The role of the team leader during the workshop (e.g. veto rights, etc.)
The procedure after the workshop implementing your decisions in your organization (e.g. top-down, bottom-up, change agents approach, ambassador program, etc.)
To design your workshop program we are experienced to working closely together with your internal line and HR experts as well as with your external business consultants
Workshop Methodology
To cover all elements we recommend to invest 2 to 3 days of workshop:
At the beginning of the workshop a SWO(P)T-Analysis will be conducted to lay the foundation
The input of the e-questionnaire serves as a constant reference point during the various sub-workshops
Each element (VC, MO, VP & RS) will be developed in small sub-groups and debated in the plenary session
Throughout the workshop we strive for consensus approach involving all view points
To finalize each element, specific task force groups based on interest, capability and added value will be formed
A final action protocol will be established outlining the next steps after the workshop